I'm ready for my new family!


I'm Available

Chance loves to play with his foster brother and sister. Loves foster mom. Takes a bit longer to warm up to men. Also not a huge fan of the vet:( 

  • Chihuahua
  • Male
  • 2 Years OldMy DoB is 03/04/2022 (Estimated)
  • 10 - 20 Pounds
  • Arizona
  • White & Tan
  • Active and Playful
  • I Like All Dogs
  • I'm Currently In Training
  • $ 150.00
Special Needs (Emotional)
Experienced Dog Owner Required,  Calm Home/Quiet Environment Required,  Socially Imperfect,  Shy at First,  Timid and Needs Time
Apply To Adopt Chance
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